Hyperallergic publishes hundreds of freelance contributors and we’re always looking for new writers, especially those who come from marginalized communities.

Please visit hyperallergic.com/how-to-pitch for details on what we're looking for and how to pitch us.

We publish articles, essays, opinions, reviews, reported news pieces, and interviews related to visual art. We define our focus broadly and encourage writing that considers visual culture beyond its traditional or expected contexts. For essays especially, we're interested in your voice, subjectivity, and critical perspective.

We do not accept review or interview pitches from new writers. We will also not accept pitches that have been submitted elsewhere.

Please familiarize yourself with what we've published prior to submitting your pitch.

Fill out the following form in full. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed. All submissions are reviewed carefully by our Editorial team, but due to the high volume of submissions received, we’re unable to reply to every inquiry.

Please keep your submission as concise as possible.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.